To maximize your growth and handle your local and international business trade requirements, we provide you with a range of customizable products and services. Our trade finance team offers a comprehensive suite of solutions, from structured trade & commodity financing to confirmation or silent confirmation of export Letters of Credit (LCs) designed to enhance our client’s competitiveness. Our multidisciplinary approach gives you easy access to specialized solutions/services with support from an expert treasury and corporate financing team.
A Letter of Credit “LC” is an irrevocable and independent undertaking issued by an issuing bank at the request of applicant (Buyer) in favor of beneficiary (Seller) to pay a certain sum of amount as per the LC terms and conditions provided in the documents presented by the beneficiary are complying presentation.
Types of Documentary Credit
A guarantee is a written undertaking issued by a bank to the beneficiary stating to the effect that the bank will pay the beneficiary a certain sum of money, on presentation of a written demand for the guaranteed amount and such other documents in conformity with all other terms and conditions as mentioned in the guarantee.
Type of Guarantees: