At BOK International UAE, we exert all efforts to provide you with convenient banking services that meet your business requirements and expectations. Please feel free to contact us should you have any queries by email, telephone, or in-person at our office in Abu Dhabi, UAE.
Registered Office and Location Address: BOK International Zayed the First St., Khalidiya, Abu Dhabi – UAE.
P.O. Box: 42253
Telephone: +97123041777
Fax: +971 2 6391400
Email: contactus@bokiuae.com
Feedback We highly Value our Customers Satisfaction. Should you have any Complaints or Queries about our Services or Products please do not hesitate to contact us at the following…….
T: +971 2 3041777
E: contactus@bokiuae.com
We will Endeavor to address and resolve your concerns at the earliest.
Customer happiness is paramount to our business; all of our activities and actions are to ensure that our customers receive the finest possible service. Despite our best efforts, there could be instances where the bank falls short of customer expectations leading to dissatisfaction on the part of customers.
In such rare and unfortunate instances, the customer may raise the complaint through phone, email, letter, or in person at the branch counter. BOK International has robust complaint management process whereby all complaints are investigated, reviewed independently, root cause identified, and necessary remedial action taken where necessary.
In addition the Customer may also report about any fraud incidence related to their accounts.
If you wish to make a complaint or report a fraud incidence related to your Abu Dhabi accounts, please contact us at via email at complaint.uae@bokiuae.com.